Program Outline

    1. Initial assessment via Zoom

    1. Requirements Definition Sessions

    1. Gap Analysis Sessions

    1. Solution Development and Implementation Sessions

About this course

  • $10,000.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

You Need Fast Results and We Deliver

Ease your stress and accelerate your success with a proven framework

  • Valuable Learning and Assessment Tools

    You need a proven, repeatable process and effective tools to analyze your program, identify risks, and develop an actionable implementation plan. You will have access to lessons on fundamentals, guidance for program success, and more. Templates, tools, and lessons are accessible immediately upon enrollment. No strings. No holding back content.

  • Direct Guidance and Support

    You meet on a schedule with your coach to keep your program on pace and strategically plan the path forward. Coaching sessions are completed via webinar with you and/or your team. These sessions are where the magic happens: collaboration. Under our guidance, the team uses the tools provided to build and launch your program. All sessions are recorded and posted to your account within hours of completion. Use these videos to guide your work between sessions and reference in the future!

  • Flexibility for your Schedule and Budget

    You need a program with options. We prioritize working with your busy schedule to reduce the impact on your production while never sacrificing quality. We also offer flexible packaging to meet your budget needs including one-time purchase, a 3-month payment plan, and additional retainer hour packages.

Stop Wasting Money

Programs that produce value are one relationship away

  • FREE Initial Assessment

    We identify current program strengths and weaknesses during an initial consultation.

  • Define Requirements

    Next, we assess your team, mission, and resources to identify program requirements.

  • Gap Analysis

    Third, we perform a gap analysis to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

  • Solution Development and Implementation

    It's time to design and implement your program! We provide a framework and facilitation to take your solution from notional to applied!